Ví dụ Flyweight pattern


Chương trình Java sau minh hoạ ví dụ ở trên. Nó sẽ đưa ra kết quả như sau:

CharFactory created only 4 objects for 5 characters!Printing 'H' in 'Arial' at position 0:0.Printing 'e' in 'Arial' at position 1:0.Printing 'l' in 'Arial' at position 2:0.Printing 'l' in 'Arial' at position 3:0.Printing 'o' in 'Times' at position 4:0.
import java.util.*;class GraphicChar {   char c;   String fontFace;   public GraphicChar(char c, String fontFace) { this.c = c; this.fontFace = fontFace; }   public void printAtPosition(int x, int y)   { System.out.printf("Printing '%c' in '%s' at position %d:%d.\n", c, fontFace, x, y); }}class GraphicCharFactory {   HashMap<String, GraphicChar> pool = new HashMap<String, GraphicChar>(); // the Flyweights   public int getNum() { return pool.size(); }   public GraphicChar get(Character c, String fontFace) {       GraphicChar gc;       String key = c.toString() + fontFace;       if ((gc = pool.get(key)) != null) {           return gc;       } else {           gc = new GraphicChar(c, fontFace);           pool.put(key, gc);           return gc;       }   }}class FlyWeightExample {   public static void main(String[] args) {       GraphicCharFactory cf = new GraphicCharFactory();       // Compose the text by storing the characters as objects.       ArrayList<GraphicChar> text = new ArrayList<GraphicChar>();       text.add(cf.get('H', "Arial"));    // 'H' and "Arial" are called intrinsic information       text.add(cf.get('e', "Arial"));    // because it is stored in the object itself.       text.add(cf.get('l', "Arial"));       text.add(cf.get('l', "Arial"));       text.add(cf.get('o', "Times"));       // See how the Flyweight approach is beginning to save space:       System.out.printf("CharFactory created only %d objects for %d characters.\n", cf.getNum(), text.size());       int x=0, y=0;       for (GraphicChar c: text) {        // Passing position as extrinsic information to the objects,           c.printAtPosition(x++, y);      // as a top-left 'A' is not different to a top-right one.       }   }}

Tài liệu tham khảo

WikiPedia: Flyweight pattern http://www.allapplabs.com/java_design_patterns/fly... http://awprofessional.com/articles/article.asp?p=3... http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FlyweightPattern http://codeproject.com/gen/design/testvalidators.a... http://dofactory.com/Patterns/PatternFlyweight.asp... http://www.java-interview.com/design_patterns_inte... http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-07-2003/jw-0... http://sourdough.phpee.com/index.php?node=18 http://www.ragingsmurf.com/code.aspx?key=I7U64DMGW... http://perlmonks.thepen.com/94783.html